Space Platform Construction Plan

MD5: d2dc79660169769bd15388d5abff86ca

Label: SeedShip (More Storage)


Minimal platform optimized for the smallest number of launches.  While it is not the smallest or most compact, it avoids things like underground belts or pipes or combinators to save on launches.

Can travel from Nauvis to Vulcanus and loiter there in orbit indefinitly. 

Intended as a "seed" that can recieve the building supplies for much bigger craft while holding its own in orbit. This way large ships can be build from the ample supplies at Vulcanus.

Total launches: 11 (7 auto + 4 manual)

Original blueprint

Build this ship

Construction blueprint book

See the instructions and demo video.

Note: leave the prior groups checked as you go.

Combined Manifest

Total weight: 10995.0 kg

(339) space-platform-foundation (6780.0 kg)
(6) gun-turret (120.0 kg)
(32) fast-inserter (640.0 kg)
(2) asteroid-collector (200.0 kg)
(90) fast-transport-belt (900.0 kg)
(2) cargo-bay (200.0 kg)
(1) assembling-machine-2 (20.0 kg)
(7) solar-panel (140.0 kg)
(2) electric-furnace (40.0 kg)
(1) accumulator (20.0 kg)
(4) crusher (400.0 kg)
(7) pipe (35.0 kg)
(3) chemical-plant (300.0 kg)
(1) thruster (200.0 kg)
(1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg)

7 auto launches

Launch #1 (1000.0 kg)

(1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg)

Launch #2 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #3 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #4 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #5 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #6 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #7 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

4 manual launches

Launch #8 (1000.0 kg)

(39) space-platform-foundation (780.0 kg)
(1) thruster (200.0 kg)
(4) pipe (20.0 kg)

Launch #9 (1000.0 kg)

(4) crusher (400.0 kg)
(3) chemical-plant (300.0 kg)
(2) cargo-bay (200.0 kg)
(1) asteroid-collector (100.0 kg)

Launch #10 (1000.0 kg)

(1) asteroid-collector (100.0 kg)
(7) solar-panel (140.0 kg)
(6) gun-turret (120.0 kg)
(32) fast-inserter (640.0 kg)

Launch #11 (995.0 kg)

(2) electric-furnace (40.0 kg)
(1) assembling-machine-2 (20.0 kg)
(1) accumulator (20.0 kg)
(90) fast-transport-belt (900.0 kg)
(3) pipe (15.0 kg)


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