About (pronounced "rocket calc") is a tool I made for fun.

It costs about $5 per month, so I don't plan to ever use ads or logins or tracking or any of that crap.

What is it? is a tool which allows you to build Factorio spaceships without wasting any rockets, while still leveraging auto-requests as much as possible.

It minimizes manual launches by generating a separate auto-request blueprint which includes only the items which fill whole rockets. The remaining manual launches are made more convenient via a circuit-driven silo loader.

How it works

When you paste a spaceship blueprint in, it generates a book with three blueprints:

How to use the book

Paste the auto-requests blueprint and wait for it to finish building. You'll need at least one silo with automatic requests enabled.

Next, paste the manual-launches blueprint, and connect a silo loader to a silo which has auto-requests disabled.

In the constant combinator, enable the first launch group, wait for the items to load, then launch the rocket.

Repeat for the rest of the launch groups, leaving the prior groups checked as you go (the combinator magic requires it).

You can use multiple silo loaders (each connected to its own silo) to divide up the work and speed up the manual launches.

See the demo video.


If you encounter a bug (or have a suggestion), please post in this forum thread. The forum will send me an email.


TL;DR you can POST a blueprint string directly to /paste.


The text/html landing page, with a webform which accepts a space platform blueprint by sending a POST to /paste.

POST /paste

This endpoint accepts pasted blueprints strings.

The body can be one of two forms:

It will respond with a 302 with a Location of /:md5, where :md5 is the MD5 sum of the blueprint string.

GET /:md5

The text/html page with the rocket plan for a blueprint.

GET /:md5/:md5.txt

A blueprint, returned as text/plain.

GET /:md5/

The Markdown version of a rocket plan, returned as text/plain.

GET /:md5/:md5.json

The JSON representation of a rocket plan, returned as application/json.

GET /:md5/:md5-book.txt

The rocket plan as a construction blueprint book, returned as text/plain.

GET /icons-32/:slug.png

The 32x32px icon for a given item slug (e.g. fast-inserter), returned as image/png.

GET /icons-64/:slug.png

The 64x64px icon for a given item slug (e.g. fast-inserter), returned as image/png (for Retina/HiDPI displays).

GET /recent

A text/html page which lists all of the blueprints, sorted by submission date.

GET /about

This page.

GET /weights.json

An application/json table of all item slugs and weights known by (in kg).

GET /200

Returns the text/plain response "OK", which verifies the site is still up.


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