Space Platform Construction Plan

MD5: bb75bf64dcc9ffb52705dded199e062c

Label: [item=space-science-pack]Science Satellite


Valcrist's max efficiency Orbital Science Satellite. Features a toggle for enabling asteroid reprocessing when the technology becomes available, instantly boosting it from 100 spm to it's max of 120.

Cheapest possible white science production per unit cost. 100 spm average, bottlenecked by ice.

Total launches: 6 (3 auto + 3 manual)

Original blueprint

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Construction blueprint book

See the instructions and demo video.

Note: leave the prior groups checked as you go.

Combined Manifest

Total weight: 5700.0 kg

(137) space-platform-foundation (2740.0 kg)
(6) solar-panel (120.0 kg)
(5) assembling-machine-3 (200.0 kg)
(2) electric-furnace (40.0 kg)
(4) asteroid-collector (400.0 kg)
(6) decider-combinator (120.0 kg)
(20) inserter (400.0 kg)
(1) constant-combinator (20.0 kg)
(1) fast-inserter (20.0 kg)
(1) crusher (100.0 kg)
(1) selector-combinator (20.0 kg)
(5) speed-module-2 (100.0 kg)
(21) efficiency-module-2 (420.0 kg)
(1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg)

3 auto launches

Launch #1 (1000.0 kg)

(1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg)

Launch #2 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #3 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

3 manual launches

Launch #4 (1000.0 kg)

(37) space-platform-foundation (740.0 kg)
(1) crusher (100.0 kg)
(1) asteroid-collector (100.0 kg)
(1) constant-combinator (20.0 kg)
(2) decider-combinator (40.0 kg)

Launch #5 (1000.0 kg)

(3) asteroid-collector (300.0 kg)
(5) assembling-machine-3 (200.0 kg)
(5) speed-module-2 (100.0 kg)
(6) solar-panel (120.0 kg)
(1) selector-combinator (20.0 kg)
(13) inserter (260.0 kg)

Launch #6 (700.0 kg)

(7) inserter (140.0 kg)
(1) fast-inserter (20.0 kg)
(2) electric-furnace (40.0 kg)
(21) efficiency-module-2 (420.0 kg)
(4) decider-combinator (80.0 kg)


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