Space Platform Construction Plan

MD5: 703bfb1acaacd2c3128823c9f06301c6

Label: The Limo 2.02


Your Personal Transport and frighter. Suitable for the first 3 planets
Displays what planet the ship came from and where its heading. The lights display green and their intensity indicates speed.  On a full tank takes about 90 Seconds to travel between planets. On empty takes about 150 seconds.

Also Suitable for automated transport between planets safety featues include Ultra Low Power alarm (20%) Shutdown of the crushers for Ice and Fuel at sub 50% Power.

Total launches: 26 (19 auto + 7 manual)

Original blueprint

Build this ship

Construction blueprint book

See the instructions and demo video.

Note: leave the prior groups checked as you go.

Combined Manifest

Total weight: 25970.0 kg

(823) space-platform-foundation (16460.0 kg)
(40) stone-wall (400.0 kg)
(9) small-lamp (180.0 kg)
(11) asteroid-collector (1100.0 kg)
(17) solar-panel (340.0 kg)
(34) bulk-inserter (680.0 kg)
(12) gun-turret (240.0 kg)
(80) express-transport-belt (800.0 kg)
(14) long-handed-inserter (280.0 kg)
(50) express-underground-belt (1000.0 kg)
(16) accumulator (320.0 kg)
(4) express-splitter (80.0 kg)
(4) electric-furnace (80.0 kg)
(2) display-panel (200.0 kg)
(1) assembling-machine-3 (40.0 kg)
(3) decider-combinator (60.0 kg)
(1) programmable-speaker (100.0 kg)
(2) cargo-bay (200.0 kg)
(26) pipe (130.0 kg)
(3) storage-tank (60.0 kg)
(8) pipe-to-ground (160.0 kg)
(3) crusher (300.0 kg)
(5) chemical-plant (500.0 kg)
(3) thruster (600.0 kg)
(28) efficiency-module-2 (560.0 kg)
(5) speed-module-2 (100.0 kg)
(1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg)

19 auto launches

Launch #1 (1000.0 kg)

(1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg)

Launch #2 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #3 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #4 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #5 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #6 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #7 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #8 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #9 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #10 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #11 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #12 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #13 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #14 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #15 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #16 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #17 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #18 (1000.0 kg)

(10) asteroid-collector (1000.0 kg)

Launch #19 (1000.0 kg)

(50) express-underground-belt (1000.0 kg)

7 manual launches

Launch #20 (1000.0 kg)

(23) space-platform-foundation (460.0 kg)
(2) thruster (400.0 kg)
(26) pipe (130.0 kg)
(1) express-transport-belt (10.0 kg)

Launch #21 (1000.0 kg)

(1) thruster (200.0 kg)
(1) programmable-speaker (100.0 kg)
(2) display-panel (200.0 kg)
(3) crusher (300.0 kg)
(2) chemical-plant (200.0 kg)

Launch #22 (1000.0 kg)

(3) chemical-plant (300.0 kg)
(2) cargo-bay (200.0 kg)
(1) asteroid-collector (100.0 kg)
(1) assembling-machine-3 (40.0 kg)
(3) storage-tank (60.0 kg)
(5) speed-module-2 (100.0 kg)
(10) solar-panel (200.0 kg)

Launch #23 (1000.0 kg)

(7) solar-panel (140.0 kg)
(9) small-lamp (180.0 kg)
(8) pipe-to-ground (160.0 kg)
(14) long-handed-inserter (280.0 kg)
(12) gun-turret (240.0 kg)

Launch #24 (1000.0 kg)

(4) express-splitter (80.0 kg)
(4) electric-furnace (80.0 kg)
(28) efficiency-module-2 (560.0 kg)
(3) decider-combinator (60.0 kg)
(11) bulk-inserter (220.0 kg)

Launch #25 (1000.0 kg)

(23) bulk-inserter (460.0 kg)
(16) accumulator (320.0 kg)
(22) stone-wall (220.0 kg)

Launch #26 (970.0 kg)

(18) stone-wall (180.0 kg)
(79) express-transport-belt (790.0 kg)


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