Space Platform Construction Plan

MD5: 5754f507cbd3aa240c7b9571c730ae81

Label: Aquilo Cruiser


A nuclear powered ship armed with rocket turrets. Ideal for travel to and from Aquilo.

Thrusters optimized for efficiency by default. To disable thruster efficiency logic, uncheck "enable/disable" on the fuel pumps.

To ensure you don't run out of ammo while traveling, circuit logic stores keeps 300 Firearm Magazines and 300 Rockets stored in the hub. 

Up to 500 ice cubes are automatically stored in the hub, which can be used to make water for nuclear power.

Total launches: 51 (42 auto + 9 manual)

Original blueprint

Build this ship

Construction blueprint book

See the instructions and demo video.

Note: leave the prior groups checked as you go.

Combined Manifest

Total weight: 50945.0 kg

(1455) space-platform-foundation (29100.0 kg)
(18) gun-turret (360.0 kg)
(74) fast-inserter (1480.0 kg)
(9) asteroid-collector (900.0 kg)
(10) rocket-turret (1000.0 kg)
(334) turbo-transport-belt (6680.0 kg)
(15) long-handed-inserter (300.0 kg)
(42) turbo-underground-belt (1680.0 kg)
(13) turbo-splitter (520.0 kg)
(4) steam-turbine (400.0 kg)
(65) pipe (325.0 kg)
(2) heat-exchanger (80.0 kg)
(25) pipe-to-ground (500.0 kg)
(4) heat-pipe (80.0 kg)
(2) nuclear-reactor (2000.0 kg)
(8) express-transport-belt (80.0 kg)
(4) cargo-bay (400.0 kg)
(5) decider-combinator (100.0 kg)
(6) bulk-inserter (120.0 kg)
(2) assembling-machine-3 (80.0 kg)
(4) electric-furnace (80.0 kg)
(7) storage-tank (140.0 kg)
(6) crusher (600.0 kg)
(5) chemical-plant (500.0 kg)
(2) small-electric-pole (40.0 kg)
(2) express-underground-belt (40.0 kg)
(1) constant-combinator (20.0 kg)
(2) arithmetic-combinator (40.0 kg)
(2) pump (40.0 kg)
(7) thruster (1400.0 kg)
(43) speed-module-3 (860.0 kg)
(1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg)

42 auto launches

Launch #1 (1000.0 kg)

(1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg)

Launch #2 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #3 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #4 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #5 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #6 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #7 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #8 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #9 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #10 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #11 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #12 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #13 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #14 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #15 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #16 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #17 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #18 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #19 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #20 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #21 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #22 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #23 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #24 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #25 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #26 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #27 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #28 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #29 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #30 (1000.0 kg)

(50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg)

Launch #31 (1000.0 kg)

(1) nuclear-reactor (1000.0 kg)

Launch #32 (1000.0 kg)

(1) nuclear-reactor (1000.0 kg)

Launch #33 (1000.0 kg)

(5) thruster (1000.0 kg)

Launch #34 (1000.0 kg)

(10) rocket-turret (1000.0 kg)

Launch #35 (1000.0 kg)

(25) turbo-underground-belt (1000.0 kg)

Launch #36 (1000.0 kg)

(50) turbo-transport-belt (1000.0 kg)

Launch #37 (1000.0 kg)

(50) turbo-transport-belt (1000.0 kg)

Launch #38 (1000.0 kg)

(50) turbo-transport-belt (1000.0 kg)

Launch #39 (1000.0 kg)

(50) turbo-transport-belt (1000.0 kg)

Launch #40 (1000.0 kg)

(50) turbo-transport-belt (1000.0 kg)

Launch #41 (1000.0 kg)

(50) turbo-transport-belt (1000.0 kg)

Launch #42 (1000.0 kg)

(50) fast-inserter (1000.0 kg)

9 manual launches

Launch #43 (1000.0 kg)

(5) space-platform-foundation (100.0 kg)
(2) thruster (400.0 kg)
(4) steam-turbine (400.0 kg)
(1) crusher (100.0 kg)

Launch #44 (1000.0 kg)

(5) crusher (500.0 kg)
(5) chemical-plant (500.0 kg)

Launch #45 (1000.0 kg)

(4) cargo-bay (400.0 kg)
(6) asteroid-collector (600.0 kg)

Launch #46 (1000.0 kg)

(3) asteroid-collector (300.0 kg)
(17) turbo-underground-belt (680.0 kg)
(4) pipe (20.0 kg)

Launch #47 (1000.0 kg)

(13) turbo-splitter (520.0 kg)
(2) heat-exchanger (80.0 kg)
(2) assembling-machine-3 (80.0 kg)
(16) turbo-transport-belt (320.0 kg)

Launch #48 (1000.0 kg)

(18) turbo-transport-belt (360.0 kg)
(7) storage-tank (140.0 kg)
(25) speed-module-3 (500.0 kg)

Launch #49 (1000.0 kg)

(18) speed-module-3 (360.0 kg)
(2) small-electric-pole (40.0 kg)
(2) pump (40.0 kg)
(25) pipe-to-ground (500.0 kg)
(3) long-handed-inserter (60.0 kg)

Launch #50 (1000.0 kg)

(12) long-handed-inserter (240.0 kg)
(4) heat-pipe (80.0 kg)
(18) gun-turret (360.0 kg)
(16) fast-inserter (320.0 kg)

Launch #51 (945.0 kg)

(8) fast-inserter (160.0 kg)
(2) express-underground-belt (40.0 kg)
(4) electric-furnace (80.0 kg)
(5) decider-combinator (100.0 kg)
(1) constant-combinator (20.0 kg)
(6) bulk-inserter (120.0 kg)
(2) arithmetic-combinator (40.0 kg)
(8) express-transport-belt (80.0 kg)
(61) pipe (305.0 kg)


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