# Space Platform Construction Plan MD5: 74c237cf3854915cb8398cc57a3f30a8 Label: Putt-putt Express Description: ``` 15 launches on automatic Gets to vulcanis with ~200 ammo, seems to be almost stable in orbit. Has >30 cargo spots available ``` Total launches: 6 (3 auto + 3 manual) ## Combined manifest Total weight: 5505.0 kg - (144) space-platform-foundation (2880.0 kg) - (1) asteroid-collector (100.0 kg) - (21) fast-inserter (420.0 kg) - (5) fast-transport-belt (50.0 kg) - (3) crusher (300.0 kg) - (3) gun-turret (60.0 kg) - (6) solar-panel (120.0 kg) - (1) electric-furnace (20.0 kg) - (1) assembling-machine-2 (20.0 kg) - (7) pipe (35.0 kg) - (3) chemical-plant (300.0 kg) - (1) thruster (200.0 kg) - (1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg) # 3 auto launches ## Launch #1 (1000.0 kg) - (1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #2 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #3 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) # 3 manual launches ## Launch #4 (985.0 kg) - (44) space-platform-foundation (880.0 kg) - (7) pipe (35.0 kg) - (5) fast-transport-belt (50.0 kg) - (1) assembling-machine-2 (20.0 kg) ## Launch #5 (1000.0 kg) - (1) thruster (200.0 kg) - (3) crusher (300.0 kg) - (3) chemical-plant (300.0 kg) - (1) asteroid-collector (100.0 kg) - (5) solar-panel (100.0 kg) ## Launch #6 (520.0 kg) - (1) solar-panel (20.0 kg) - (3) gun-turret (60.0 kg) - (21) fast-inserter (420.0 kg) - (1) electric-furnace (20.0 kg)