# Space Platform Construction Plan MD5: 7044f813e3ac3689bef30d6a04c4d9df Label: 4 Planets Runner Description: ``` Low tech 'compact' spaceship able to handle any of the first 4 planets. TECH REQUIRED: Inserter Capacity Bonus 2, Physical Projectile Damage 4+ (more is better) Features - Smart Collector filter & internal storage - Sushi belt handling - Auto crushing recipe swap (+reprocess if Vulcanus tech) Click the red Constant combinator to change settings, check https://factorioprints.com/view/-OAaVYMFMUSE3sJzrskx for an untangled logic version Power positive on Fulgora's orbit once chem is fueled ``` Total launches: 22 (15 auto + 7 manual) ## Combined manifest Total weight: 21925.0 kg - (715) space-platform-foundation (14300.0 kg) - (7) long-handed-inserter (140.0 kg) - (19) solar-panel (380.0 kg) - (13) gun-turret (260.0 kg) - (44) fast-inserter (880.0 kg) - (49) fast-transport-belt (490.0 kg) - (14) fast-underground-belt (280.0 kg) - (4) asteroid-collector (400.0 kg) - (8) arithmetic-combinator (160.0 kg) - (11) decider-combinator (220.0 kg) - (3) constant-combinator (60.0 kg) - (7) accumulator (140.0 kg) - (2) crusher (200.0 kg) - (5) chemical-plant (500.0 kg) - (31) pipe (155.0 kg) - (2) assembling-machine-2 (40.0 kg) - (7) bulk-inserter (140.0 kg) - (18) pipe-to-ground (360.0 kg) - (9) electric-furnace (180.0 kg) - (2) cargo-bay (200.0 kg) - (1) fast-splitter (20.0 kg) - (3) thruster (600.0 kg) - (4) efficiency-module-2 (80.0 kg) - (37) efficiency-module (740.0 kg) - (1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg) # 15 auto launches ## Launch #1 (1000.0 kg) - (1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #2 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #3 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #4 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #5 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #6 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #7 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #8 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #9 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #10 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #11 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #12 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #13 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #14 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #15 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) # 7 manual launches ## Launch #16 (1000.0 kg) - (15) space-platform-foundation (300.0 kg) - (3) thruster (600.0 kg) - (1) crusher (100.0 kg) ## Launch #17 (1000.0 kg) - (1) crusher (100.0 kg) - (5) chemical-plant (500.0 kg) - (2) cargo-bay (200.0 kg) - (2) asteroid-collector (200.0 kg) ## Launch #18 (1000.0 kg) - (2) asteroid-collector (200.0 kg) - (19) solar-panel (380.0 kg) - (18) pipe-to-ground (360.0 kg) - (3) long-handed-inserter (60.0 kg) ## Launch #19 (1000.0 kg) - (4) long-handed-inserter (80.0 kg) - (13) gun-turret (260.0 kg) - (14) fast-underground-belt (280.0 kg) - (1) fast-splitter (20.0 kg) - (18) fast-inserter (360.0 kg) ## Launch #20 (1000.0 kg) - (26) fast-inserter (520.0 kg) - (9) electric-furnace (180.0 kg) - (4) efficiency-module-2 (80.0 kg) - (11) efficiency-module (220.0 kg) ## Launch #21 (1000.0 kg) - (26) efficiency-module (520.0 kg) - (11) decider-combinator (220.0 kg) - (3) constant-combinator (60.0 kg) - (7) bulk-inserter (140.0 kg) - (2) assembling-machine-2 (40.0 kg) - (1) arithmetic-combinator (20.0 kg) ## Launch #22 (925.0 kg) - (7) arithmetic-combinator (140.0 kg) - (7) accumulator (140.0 kg) - (49) fast-transport-belt (490.0 kg) - (31) pipe (155.0 kg)