# Space Platform Construction Plan MD5: 679569444d6d84918d118abff766af0d Label: TheJabronerOptimized Description: ``` Constant hooked up to inserter to dump excess overboard(CHANGE NEGATIVES TO ITEMS YOU DON'T WANT THROWN OVER BOARD OR USE MORE EFFICIENT/BETTER CIRCUIT) Decider out puts 3 crush recipes to the selector and randomly gives the crusher a recipe every 2 seconds. Ammo set to be above lower thresh holds at fulgora and gleba because its harder to sustain or profit ammo there, so you pick up or drop off and leave, if ammo falls below those thresh holds, the ship goes nauvis to regen ammo. ``` Total launches: 7 (4 auto + 3 manual) ## Combined manifest Total weight: 6980.0 kg - (187) space-platform-foundation (3740.0 kg) - (4) fast-inserter (80.0 kg) - (4) gun-turret (80.0 kg) - (18) long-handed-inserter (360.0 kg) - (2) asteroid-collector (200.0 kg) - (1) crusher (100.0 kg) - (7) solar-panel (140.0 kg) - (4) electric-furnace (80.0 kg) - (1) assembling-machine-3 (40.0 kg) - (4) transport-belt (40.0 kg) - (2) fast-underground-belt (40.0 kg) - (3) chemical-plant (300.0 kg) - (8) pipe (40.0 kg) - (2) inserter (40.0 kg) - (1) selector-combinator (20.0 kg) - (1) decider-combinator (20.0 kg) - (1) constant-combinator (20.0 kg) - (1) thruster (200.0 kg) - (10) efficiency-module-2 (200.0 kg) - (12) efficiency-module (240.0 kg) - (1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg) # 4 auto launches ## Launch #1 (1000.0 kg) - (1) space-platform-starter-pack (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #2 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #3 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) ## Launch #4 (1000.0 kg) - (50) space-platform-foundation (1000.0 kg) # 3 manual launches ## Launch #5 (1000.0 kg) - (37) space-platform-foundation (740.0 kg) - (1) thruster (200.0 kg) - (8) pipe (40.0 kg) - (2) transport-belt (20.0 kg) ## Launch #6 (1000.0 kg) - (1) crusher (100.0 kg) - (3) chemical-plant (300.0 kg) - (2) asteroid-collector (200.0 kg) - (1) assembling-machine-3 (40.0 kg) - (7) solar-panel (140.0 kg) - (1) selector-combinator (20.0 kg) - (10) long-handed-inserter (200.0 kg) ## Launch #7 (980.0 kg) - (8) long-handed-inserter (160.0 kg) - (2) inserter (40.0 kg) - (4) gun-turret (80.0 kg) - (2) fast-underground-belt (40.0 kg) - (4) fast-inserter (80.0 kg) - (4) electric-furnace (80.0 kg) - (10) efficiency-module-2 (200.0 kg) - (12) efficiency-module (240.0 kg) - (1) decider-combinator (20.0 kg) - (1) constant-combinator (20.0 kg) - (2) transport-belt (20.0 kg)